Interface Summary | |
EdgeLabelLayout | This interface defines the properties of one edge label from the perspective of a labelling algorithm. |
EdgeLabelModel | This interface defines the properties of the model associated with an edge label layout. |
EdgeLayout | This interface encapsulates the layout information for an edge. |
GraphLayout | This interface defines the layout information of a graph. |
LabelLayout | This interface defines the properties of one label from the perspective of a labelling algorithm. |
LabelLayoutConstants | This interface defines constants relevant for the automatic labeling process. |
LabelLayoutKeys | This interface provides label-specific keys that can be used to add data providers to a layout graph. |
Layouter | This is a general interface for algorithms that perform a layout process on a given layout graph. |
LayoutOrientation | Defines some layout orientation specifiers that are used to inform a layouter which general orientation a layout should express. |
LayoutStage | Interface for a layouter that forms a stage of a larger layout process. |
NodeLabelLayout | This interface defines the properties of one edge label from the perspective of a labelling algorithm. |
NodeLabelModel | This interface defines the properties of the model associated with a node label layout. |
NodeLayout | This interface describes the layout information for a node in the drawing of a graph. |
PortConstraintKeys | This interface defines keys used to associate DataProviders
that provide port constraints for all edges of the input graph.
ProfitModel | This is an interface for ranking LabelCandidates. |
Class Summary | |
AbstractLayoutStage | Partial LayoutStage implementation that handles the management of the core layouter part. |
BendConverter | This layout stage replaces bends with dummy nodes, calls the core layout algorithm and recreates the bends. |
BufferedLayouter | A hull layouter that invokes another layout algorithm on a copy of it's input graph. |
CanonicMultiStageLayouter | An abstract base class for layout algorithms that provides services to simplify and decompose the input graph before it is passed to the core layout routine itself. |
ComponentLayouter | This layout stage arranges the connected components of a graph. |
CompositeLayouter | A layouter that allows to express a layout stage as a chain of more basic layout stages. |
CompositeLayoutStage | A composite layout stage that allows to express a layout stage as a chain of more basic layout stages. |
CopiedLayoutGraph | This is a LayoutGraph implementation that serves as a copy of another LayoutGraph or as copy of a combined GraphInterface and and GraphLayout interface implementation. |
DefaultEdgeLayout | This class is a default implementation of the EdgeLayout interface. |
DefaultGraphLayout | This class is a default implementation of the SimpleGraphLayout interface. |
DefaultLayoutGraph | This class is an default implementation of the abstract class LayoutGraph. |
DefaultNodeLabelLayout | This class is the default implemtation for the NodeLabelLayout. |
DefaultNodeLayout | This class is a default implementation of the NodeLayout interface. |
DiscreteEdgeLabelModel | An edge label model that allows placement of labels at some positions along an edge. |
DiscreteNodeLabelModel | A node label model that allows placement of labels at eight positions around a node and at four positions inside the node. |
EdgeLabelCandidate | A candidate position for edge labels |
EdgeLabelLayoutImpl | This class is an default implementation of the EdgeLabelLayout interface. |
EdgeOppositeNodeLabelModel | A node label model that sets the labels at the opposite side of the outgoing edges of a node. |
FreeEdgeLabelModel | An edge label model that allows placement of labels at a fixed offset from the source intersection point of the node. |
FreeEdgeLabelModel.ModelParameter | The model parameters for the FreeEdgeLabelModel . |
FreeNodeLabelModel | A node label model that allows placement of labels at a fixed offset from the upper left corner of the node. |
FreeNodeLabelModel.ModelParameter | The model parameters for the FreeNodeLabelModel . |
LabelCandidate | Base class for candidate positions for labels. |
LabelLayoutData | This class encapsulates layout data for a label. |
LabelLayoutDataRefinement | A layout stage that improves the placement of edge labels. |
LabelLayoutImpl | This class is a default implementation of the LabelLayout interface. |
LabelLayoutTranslator | Layout stage that automatically translates label layout information provided by the standard
label layout classes EdgeLabelLayout and NodeLabelLayout to layout data
of type LabelLayoutData that is accessible by the keys defined in class LabelLayoutKeys .
LabelRanking | Implements the ranking for edge and node labels for Graph2D. |
LayoutGraph | This class represents a drawing of a graph. |
LayoutTool | This class is a container for several helper and utility functions for the LayoutGraph class. |
NodeLabelCandidate | This class represents a candidate position for label assocciated to a node in a graph. |
NodeLabelLayoutImpl | This class is an default implementation of the NodeLabelLayout interface. |
OrientationLayouter | A layout stage that performs changes the orientation of the layout that another algorithm calculates. |
ParallelEdgeLayouter | A layout algorithm that routes parallel edges (edges that have same source and same target node) of a graph. |
PortConstraint | This class represents a constraint for either a source or target port of an edge. |
PortConstraintConfigurator | Provides configuration services for the port constraints of a graph. |
SelfLoopLayouter | A layout algorithm that routes the selfloops (reflexive edges) of a graph. |
SliderEdgeLabelModel | This class implements the slider labeling model for edges. |
SliderEdgeLabelModel.ModelParameter | The model parameters for the slider model. |
SubgraphLayouter | A layout stage that filters out all graph elements that are not part of a subgraph that is induced by the selected nodes of the input graph. |
This package provides base classes for automatic graph layout generation.
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