Class LayoutGraph

All Implemented Interfaces:
GraphInterface, GraphLayout
Direct Known Subclasses:
CopiedLayoutGraph, DefaultLayoutGraph, Graph2D

public abstract class LayoutGraph
extends Graph
implements GraphLayout

This class represents a drawing of a graph.

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class y.base.Graph
AFTER, BEFORE, listeners
Constructor Summary
          Creates a new Layout Graph
LayoutGraph(LayoutGraph graph, YCursor nodeSubset)
          Creates a copy of the given subgraph.
Method Summary
 Rectangle getBoundingBox()
          Returns the bounding box of the diagram.
 YPoint getCenter(Node node)
          Returns the position of a node in a drawing.
 double getCenterX(Node v)
          Returns the center x-coord of the given node.
 double getCenterY(Node v)
          Returns the center y-coord of the given node.
 EdgeLabelLayout[] getEdgeLabelLayout(Object edge)
          Returns EdgeLabelLayout objects which describe the layouts of the labels that belong to the given edge.
 EdgeLayout getEdgeLayout(Object edge)
          Returns the layout information for an edge in the drawing.
 EdgeList getEdgeList()
          Returns a list, which contains the edges of the graph.
abstract  Edge getFeature(EdgeLabelLayout labelLayout)
          Returns the edge which is described by a given label layout.
abstract  Node getFeature(NodeLabelLayout labelLayout)
          Returns the node which is described by a given label layout.
 double getHeight(Node v)
          Returns the height of the given node
abstract  EdgeLabelLayout[] getLabelLayout(Edge edge)
          Returns EdgeLabelLayout objects which describe the layouts of the labels that belong to the given edge.
abstract  NodeLabelLayout[] getLabelLayout(Node node)
          Returns NodeLabelLayout objects which describe the layouts of the labels that belong to the given node.
abstract  EdgeLayout getLayout(Edge edge)
          Returns the layout information for an edge in the drawing.
abstract  NodeLayout getLayout(Node node)
          Returns the layout information for a node in the drawing.
 YPoint getLocation(Node node)
          Returns the position of the node in a drawing.
 NodeLabelLayout[] getNodeLabelLayout(Object node)
          Returns NodeLabelLayout objects which describe the layouts of the labels that belong to the given node.
 NodeLayout getNodeLayout(Object node)
          Returns the layout information for a node in the drawing.
 YPointPath getPath(Edge edge)
          Returns the path of an edge.
 YList getPathList(Edge edge)
          Returns the path of an edge.
 YList getPointList(Edge edge)
          Returns the controllpoints of an edge.
 YPointPath getPoints(Edge edge)
          Returns the controllpoints of an edge.
 YRectangle getRectangle(Node node)
          Returns the bounding box of a node.
 YDimension getSize(Node node)
          Returns the size of the node in a drawing.
 YPoint getSourcePointAbs(Edge edge)
          Returns the coordinates of the source endpoint of an edge in absolute coordinates.
 YPoint getSourcePointRel(Edge edge)
          Returns the coordinates of the source endpoint of an edge in relative coordinates to the center of the source node.
 YPoint getTargetPointAbs(Edge edge)
          Returns the coordinates of the target endpoint of an edge in absolute coordinates.
 YPoint getTargetPointRel(Edge edge)
          Returns the coordinates of the target endpoint of an edge in relative coordinates to the center of the target node.
 double getWidth(Node v)
          Returns the width of the given node.
 double getX(Node v)
          Returns the upper left x-coord of the given node.
 double getY(Node v)
          Returns the upper left y-coord of the given node.
 void moveBy(Node node, double dx, double dy)
          Moves the location of a node by a given vector
 void setCenter(Node v, double x, double y)
          Sets the center coords of the given node.
 void setCenter(Node node, YPoint position)
          Sets the position of a node in a drawing.
 void setEndPointsAbs(Edge edge, YPoint source, YPoint target)
          Set the two endpoints of an edge in absolute coordinates.
 void setLocation(Node v, double x, double y)
          Sets the upper left coords of the given node.
 void setLocation(Node node, YPoint position)
          Set the position of the node in a drawing.
 void setPath(Edge edge, YList path)
          Sets the path of an edge.
 void setPath(Edge edge, YPointPath path)
          Sets the path of an edge.
 void setPoints(Edge edge, YList points)
          Sets the controllpoints of an edge.
 void setPoints(Edge edge, YPointPath points)
          Sets the controllpoints of an edge.
 void setSize(Node v, double w, double h)
          Sets the size of the given node.
 void setSize(Node node, YDimension size)
          Set the size of the node in a drawing.
 void setSourcePointAbs(Edge edge, YPoint point)
          Sets the coordinates of the source endpoint of an edge in absolute coordinates.
 void setSourcePointRel(Edge edge, YPoint point)
          Sets the coordinates of the source endpoint of an edge in relative coordinates to the center of the source node.
 void setTargetPointAbs(Edge edge, YPoint point)
          Sets the coordinates of the target endpoint of an edge in absolute coordinates.
 void setTargetPointRel(Edge edge, YPoint point)
          Sets the coordinates of the target endpoint of an edge in relative coordinates to the center of the target node.
Methods inherited from class y.base.Graph
addDataProvider, addGraphListener, changeEdge, changeEdge, changeEdge, clear, contains, contains, containsEdge, createCopy, createEdge, createEdge, createEdgeMap, createGraph, createNode, createNodeMap, disposeEdgeMap, disposeNodeMap, E, edgeCount, edgeObjects, edges, fireGraphEvent, firePostEvent, firePostEvent, firePreEvent, firePreEvent, firstEdge, firstNode, firstOutEdge, getDataProvider, getDataProviderKeys, getEdgeArray, getGraphListeners, getNodeArray, getRegisteredEdgeMaps, getRegisteredNodeMaps, getSource, getTarget, hide, hide, isEmpty, lastEdge, lastNode, moveSubGraph, moveToFirst, moveToFirst, moveToLast, moveToLast, N, nodeCount, nodeObjects, nodes, printNodeSlotSize, reInsertEdge, reInsertNode, removeDataProvider, removeEdge, removeGraphListener, removeNode, reverseEdge, sortEdges, toString, unhide, unhide
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public LayoutGraph()
Creates a new Layout Graph


public LayoutGraph(LayoutGraph graph,
                   YCursor nodeSubset)
Creates a copy of the given subgraph.

Method Detail


public abstract NodeLayout getLayout(Node node)
Returns the layout information for a node in the drawing.

node - a node in the drawing.
the layout information for node.


public abstract EdgeLayout getLayout(Edge edge)
Returns the layout information for an edge in the drawing.

edge - a edge in the drawing.
the layout information for edge.


public abstract NodeLabelLayout[] getLabelLayout(Node node)
Returns NodeLabelLayout objects which describe the layouts of the labels that belong to the given node.

node - a node in the drawing.
the node label layout information for node.


public abstract EdgeLabelLayout[] getLabelLayout(Edge edge)
Returns EdgeLabelLayout objects which describe the layouts of the labels that belong to the given edge.

edge - an edge in the drawing.
the edge label layout information for edge.


public abstract Node getFeature(NodeLabelLayout labelLayout)
Returns the node which is described by a given label layout.


public abstract Edge getFeature(EdgeLabelLayout labelLayout)
Returns the edge which is described by a given label layout.


public NodeLayout getNodeLayout(Object node)
Returns the layout information for a node in the drawing.

Specified by:
getNodeLayout in interface GraphLayout
node - a node in the drawing.
the layout information for node.


public EdgeLayout getEdgeLayout(Object edge)
Returns the layout information for an edge in the drawing.

Specified by:
getEdgeLayout in interface GraphLayout
edge - a edge in the drawing.
the layout information for edge.


public NodeLabelLayout[] getNodeLabelLayout(Object node)
Returns NodeLabelLayout objects which describe the layouts of the labels that belong to the given node.

Specified by:
getNodeLabelLayout in interface GraphLayout
node - a node in the drawing.
the node label layout information for node.


public EdgeLabelLayout[] getEdgeLabelLayout(Object edge)
Returns EdgeLabelLayout objects which describe the layouts of the labels that belong to the given edge.

Specified by:
getEdgeLabelLayout in interface GraphLayout
edge - an edge in the drawing.
the edge label layout information for edge.


public double getCenterX(Node v)
Returns the center x-coord of the given node.


public double getCenterY(Node v)
Returns the center y-coord of the given node.


public YPoint getCenter(Node node)
Returns the position of a node in a drawing. The position is defined by the center of the node.

node - a node in the graph
the center of the node in the drawing of the node


public double getX(Node v)
Returns the upper left x-coord of the given node.


public double getY(Node v)
Returns the upper left y-coord of the given node.


public YPoint getLocation(Node node)
Returns the position of the node in a drawing. The position is defined by the upper left corner of the node.

node - a node in the graph
the upper left corner of the drawing of the node


public double getWidth(Node v)
Returns the width of the given node.


public double getHeight(Node v)
Returns the height of the given node


public YDimension getSize(Node node)
Returns the size of the node in a drawing.

node - a node in the graph.
the size of the node.


public YRectangle getRectangle(Node node)
Returns the bounding box of a node.

node - a node in the graph.
a box.


public void setCenter(Node node,
                      YPoint position)
Sets the position of a node in a drawing. The position is defined by the center of the node.

node - a node in the graph
position - the center of the node in the drawing of the node


public void setCenter(Node v,
                      double x,
                      double y)
Sets the center coords of the given node.


public void setSize(Node v,
                    double w,
                    double h)
Sets the size of the given node.


public void setSize(Node node,
                    YDimension size)
Set the size of the node in a drawing.

node - a node in the graph
size - the size of the node.


public void setLocation(Node v,
                        double x,
                        double y)
Sets the upper left coords of the given node.


public void setLocation(Node node,
                        YPoint position)
Set the position of the node in a drawing. The position is defined by the upper left corner of the node.

node - a node in the graph
position - the upper left corner of the drawing of the node


public void moveBy(Node node,
                   double dx,
                   double dy)
Moves the location of a node by a given vector

node - a node in the graph
dx - the x-component of the vector
dy - the y-component of the vector


public YPointPath getPoints(Edge edge)
Returns the controllpoints of an edge.

edge - an edge in the graph
the sequence of controllpoints.


public YList getPointList(Edge edge)
Returns the controllpoints of an edge.

edge - an edge in the graph
the sequence of controllpoints as a YList


public YPointPath getPath(Edge edge)
Returns the path of an edge. The path of an edge is the position of the source port, followed by the positions of the bends, followed by the position of the target port.

edge - an edge in the graph
the path


public YList getPathList(Edge edge)
Returns the path of an edge. The path of an edge is the position of the source port, followed by the positions of the bends, followed by the position of the target port.

edge - an edge in the graph
the path as a YList


public void setPath(Edge edge,
                    YPointPath path)
Sets the path of an edge. The path of an edge is the position of the source port, followed by the positions of the bends, followed by the position of the target port. Both source and target port are expected to be given in absolute coordinates.

Precondition: The length of the path must be 2 at least.

edge - an edge in the graph
path - the path sequence.


public void setPath(Edge edge,
                    YList path)
Sets the path of an edge. The path of an edge is the position of the source port, followed by the positions of the bends, followed by the position of the target port. Both source and target port are expected to be given in absolute coordinates.

Precondition: The length of the path must be 2 at least.

edge - an edge in the graph
path - the path sequence given as a YList


public void setPoints(Edge edge,
                      YPointPath points)
Sets the controllpoints of an edge.

edge - an edge in the graph
points - the sequence of controllpoints.


public void setPoints(Edge edge,
                      YList points)
Sets the controllpoints of an edge.

edge - an edge in the graph
points - the sequence of controllpoints as a YList


public void setEndPointsAbs(Edge edge,
                            YPoint source,
                            YPoint target)
Set the two endpoints of an edge in absolute coordinates.

edge - an edge in the graph.
source - the port on the source side of the edge.
target - the port on the target side of the edge.


public YPoint getSourcePointRel(Edge edge)
Returns the coordinates of the source endpoint of an edge in relative coordinates to the center of the source node.

edge - an edge in the graph


public YPoint getTargetPointRel(Edge edge)
Returns the coordinates of the target endpoint of an edge in relative coordinates to the center of the target node.

edge - an edge in the graph


public void setSourcePointRel(Edge edge,
                              YPoint point)
Sets the coordinates of the source endpoint of an edge in relative coordinates to the center of the source node.

edge - an edge in the graph
point -


public void setTargetPointRel(Edge edge,
                              YPoint point)
Sets the coordinates of the target endpoint of an edge in relative coordinates to the center of the target node.

edge - an edge in the graph


public YPoint getSourcePointAbs(Edge edge)
Returns the coordinates of the source endpoint of an edge in absolute coordinates.

edge - an edge in the graph


public YPoint getTargetPointAbs(Edge edge)
Returns the coordinates of the target endpoint of an edge in absolute coordinates.

edge - an edge in the graph


public void setSourcePointAbs(Edge edge,
                              YPoint point)
Sets the coordinates of the source endpoint of an edge in absolute coordinates.

edge - an edge in the graph
point -


public void setTargetPointAbs(Edge edge,
                              YPoint point)
Sets the coordinates of the target endpoint of an edge in absolute coordinates.

edge - an edge in the graph
point -


public EdgeList getEdgeList()
Returns a list, which contains the edges of the graph.


public Rectangle getBoundingBox()
Returns the bounding box of the diagram. This is the smallest rectangle containing the entire diagram.

Specified by:
getBoundingBox in interface GraphLayout

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yWorks GmbH.
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