Class YList

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
BendList, EdgeList, NodeList

public class YList
extends Object
implements Collection

YList is an implementation of a doubly linked list. This implementation provides access to the cells (links) of the list, which are represented by the class ListCell. Only objects that are non-null may be added to this list implementation.

Nested Class Summary
 class YList.ListCursorImpl
          Cursor implementation for ylists
Constructor Summary
          Creates an empty doubly linked list.
YList(Collection c)
          Creates a list that is initialized with the elements provided by the Collection c.
YList(Iterator it)
          Creates a list that is initialized with the elements provided by the Iterator it.
YList(Object[] a)
          Creates a list that is initialized with the elements provided by the given array of Objects
YList(YCursor c)
          Creates a list that is initialized with the elements provided by the YCursor c.
YList(YCursor c, DataProvider predicate)
          Creates a list containing the objects accessible via the given cursor and for which the given data provider returns true upon calling its getBool method.
Method Summary
 boolean add(Object o)
          Same as addLast(Object o).
 boolean addAll(Collection collection)
          Adds a collection of items to the list.
 void addAll(YCursor c)
          Appends objects provided by given cursor to this list.
 ListCell addFirst(Object o)
          Inserts Object o at the head of this list.
 void addFirstCell(ListCell cell)
          Adds a formerly removed ListCell at the head of this list.
 ListCell addLast(Object o)
          Inserts Object o at the tail of this list.
 void addLastCell(ListCell cell)
          Adds a formerly removed ListCell at the tail of this list.
 void clear()
          Removes all elements from this list.
 boolean contains(Object o)
          Whether or not this list contains the given element.
 boolean containsAll(Collection collection)
          Whether or not this list contains the elements given by a collection.
 YCursor cursor()
          Returns a cursor for this list.
 ListCell cyclicPred(ListCell c)
          Returns the cyclic predecessor cell of ListCell c.
 ListCell cyclicSucc(ListCell c)
          Returns the cyclic successor cell of ListCell c.
 Object elementAt(int i)
          Returns the i-th element in this list.
 ListCell findCell(Object o)
          Returns the cell where Object o is stored.
 Object first()
          Returns the first element in this list.
 ListCell firstCell()
          Returns the first cell in this list.
 Object getInfo(ListCell c)
          Returns the element stored in the given ListCell.
 int indexOf(Object obj)
          Returns the zero-based index of the given element in this list.
 ListCell insertAfter(Object o, ListCell refCell)
          Inserts the given object to this list.
 ListCell insertBefore(Object o, ListCell refCell)
          Inserts the given object to this list.
 void insertCellAfter(ListCell cellToInsert, ListCell refCell)
          Inserts a formerly removed ListCell at the specified position.
 void insertCellBefore(ListCell cellToInsert, ListCell refCell)
          Inserts a formerly removed ListCell at the specified position.
 boolean isEmpty()
          Checks whether this list contains elements
 Iterator iterator()
          Returns an iterator for that list.
 Object last()
          Returns the last element in this list.
 ListCell lastCell()
          Returns the last cell in this list.
 Object peek()
          Equivalent to first
 Object pop()
          Removes the first element from this list and returns it.
 Object popLast()
          Removes the last element from this list and returns it.
 ListCell predCell(ListCell c)
          Returns the predecessor cell of ListCell c.
 ListCell push(Object o)
          Equivalent to addFirst
 boolean remove(Object o)
          Removes Object o from this list.
 boolean removeAll(Collection collection)
          Removes a collection of objects from the list.
 Object removeAt(YCursor c)
          Removes the element pointed at by the given YCursor.
 Object removeCell(ListCell c)
          Removes the ListCell c and the element stored in it from this list.
 boolean retainAll(Collection collection)
          Retains only the nodes in the collection which are contained in the specified collection.
 void reverse()
          Reverses the sequence of elements in this list.
 void setInfo(ListCell c, Object value)
          Updates the element residing in the given ListCell.
 int size()
          Returns the number of elements in this list
 void sort()
          Sorts the specified array of objects into ascending order, according to the natural ordering of its elements.
 void sort(Comparator comp)
          Sorts the elements in this list according to the given comparator.
 void splice(YList list)
          Transfers the contents of the given list to the end of this list.
 ListCell succCell(ListCell c)
          Returns the successor cell of ListCell c.
 Object[] toArray()
          Returns an array representation of this List.
 Object[] toArray(Object[] a)
          Returns an array containing all of the elements in this list in the correct order.
 String toString()
          Returns a string representation of this List.
 Vector toVector()
          Returns a vector representation of this List.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface java.util.Collection
equals, hashCode

Constructor Detail


public YList()
Creates an empty doubly linked list.


public YList(Collection c)
Creates a list that is initialized with the elements provided by the Collection c.


public YList(Iterator it)
Creates a list that is initialized with the elements provided by the Iterator it.


public YList(YCursor c)
Creates a list that is initialized with the elements provided by the YCursor c.


public YList(YCursor c,
             DataProvider predicate)
Creates a list containing the objects accessible via the given cursor and for which the given data provider returns true upon calling its getBool method.

c - A cursor providing objects that are initially entered into this list.
predicate - a dataprovider that acts as a inclusion predicate for each object accessible from the edge cursor


public YList(Object[] a)
Creates a list that is initialized with the elements provided by the given array of Objects

Method Detail


public ListCell addFirst(Object o)
Inserts Object o at the head of this list.

the ListCell where the Object o is stored.


public ListCell addLast(Object o)
Inserts Object o at the tail of this list.

the ListCell where the Object o is stored.


public void addLastCell(ListCell cell)
Adds a formerly removed ListCell at the tail of this list. Attention: If the ListCell is still part of a list, this list will be corrupted afterwards.

cell - A list cell which is not part of any list.


public void addFirstCell(ListCell cell)
Adds a formerly removed ListCell at the head of this list. Attention: If the ListCell is still part of a list, this list will be corrupted afterwards.

cell - A list cell which is not part of any list.


public boolean add(Object o)
Same as addLast(Object o).

Specified by:
add in interface Collection


public boolean addAll(Collection collection)
Adds a collection of items to the list.

Specified by:
addAll in interface Collection


public void addAll(YCursor c)
Appends objects provided by given cursor to this list. The cursor will be moved from its given position to the end. Note that aList.append(aList.cursor()) will induce an infinite recursion.


public ListCell insertBefore(Object o,
                             ListCell refCell)
Inserts the given object to this list. The newly created ListCell will be inserted to this list immediatelly before refCell. If refCell == null the given object is appended to the list.

o - the object to be inserted
refCell - the cell used to reference the position
the newly created ListCell, which contains o


public void insertCellBefore(ListCell cellToInsert,
                             ListCell refCell)
Inserts a formerly removed ListCell at the specified position. Attention: If the ListCell is still part of a list, this list will be corrupted afterwards.

cellToInsert - A list cell that is not part of any other list.
refCell - A list cell that is contained in this list


public void insertCellAfter(ListCell cellToInsert,
                            ListCell refCell)
Inserts a formerly removed ListCell at the specified position. Attention: If the ListCell is still part of a list, this list will be corrupted afterwards.

cellToInsert - A list cell that is not part of any list.
refCell - A list cell that is contained in this list.


public ListCell insertAfter(Object o,
                            ListCell refCell)
Inserts the given object to this list. The newly created ListCell will be inserted to this list immediatelly after refCell. If refCell == null the given object is inserted at the head of the list.

o - the object to be inserted
refCell - the cell used to reference the position
the newly created ListCell, which contains o


public int size()
Returns the number of elements in this list

Specified by:
size in interface Collection


public boolean isEmpty()
Checks whether this list contains elements

Specified by:
isEmpty in interface Collection


public void clear()
Removes all elements from this list.

Specified by:
clear in interface Collection


public Object first()
Returns the first element in this list. Precondition: !isEmpty().


public Object pop()
Removes the first element from this list and returns it.


public ListCell push(Object o)
Equivalent to addFirst


public Object peek()
Equivalent to first


public Object last()
Returns the last element in this list. Precondition: !isEmpty().


public Object popLast()
Removes the last element from this list and returns it.


public Object elementAt(int i)
Returns the i-th element in this list. Precondition: i is a valid index, i.e. i >= 0 && i < size().


public int indexOf(Object obj)
Returns the zero-based index of the given element in this list. If the given element is not in the list, -1 is returned.


public ListCell firstCell()
Returns the first cell in this list. Precondition: !isEmpty().


public ListCell lastCell()
Returns the last cell in this list. Precondition: !isEmpty().


public ListCell succCell(ListCell c)
Returns the successor cell of ListCell c.


public ListCell predCell(ListCell c)
Returns the predecessor cell of ListCell c.


public ListCell cyclicSucc(ListCell c)
Returns the cyclic successor cell of ListCell c.


public ListCell cyclicPred(ListCell c)
Returns the cyclic predecessor cell of ListCell c.


public Object getInfo(ListCell c)
Returns the element stored in the given ListCell.


public void setInfo(ListCell c,
                    Object value)
Updates the element residing in the given ListCell.


public boolean remove(Object o)
Removes Object o from this list. Only the first element for which equality to o holds gets removed. This operation has time complexity O(size()).

Specified by:
remove in interface Collection


public boolean removeAll(Collection collection)
Removes a collection of objects from the list.

Specified by:
removeAll in interface Collection


public boolean retainAll(Collection collection)
Retains only the nodes in the collection which are contained in the specified collection. This operation has running time O(max(m,n)), were m,n are the sizes of this list and the specified list.

Specified by:
retainAll in interface Collection


public Object removeCell(ListCell c)
Removes the ListCell c and the element stored in it from this list. This operation has time complexity O(1). Precondition: c is a cell of this list.

element the resided in removed cell


public Object removeAt(YCursor c)
Removes the element pointed at by the given YCursor. Precondition:
- contains(c.current())
- c is a YCursor that has been created by a call to this list's cursor() method.

the removed element


public YCursor cursor()
Returns a cursor for this list. All cursor operations are supported.


public Iterator iterator()
Returns an iterator for that list. The remove operation is not supported on the iterator.

Specified by:
iterator in interface Collection


public boolean contains(Object o)
Whether or not this list contains the given element. Equality of elements is defined by the isEqual method.

Specified by:
contains in interface Collection


public boolean containsAll(Collection collection)
Whether or not this list contains the elements given by a collection. Equality of elements is defined by the isEqual method.

Specified by:
containsAll in interface Collection


public ListCell findCell(Object o)
Returns the cell where Object o is stored. This operation returns null, if no such cell exists.


public String toString()
Returns a string representation of this List. Right now only the size of the list is returned.

toString in class Object


public Object[] toArray()
Returns an array representation of this List.

Specified by:
toArray in interface Collection


public Object[] toArray(Object[] a)
Returns an array containing all of the elements in this list in the correct order. The runtime type of the returned array is that of the specified array. If the list fits in the specified array, it is returned therein. Otherwise, a new array is allocated with the runtime type of the specified array and the size of this list.

If the list fits in the specified array with room to spare (i.e., the array has more elements than the list), the element in the array immediately following the end of the collection is set to null. This is useful in determining the length of the list only if the caller knows that the list does not contain any null elements.

Specified by:
toArray in interface Collection
ArrayStoreException - if the runtime type of a is not a supertype of the runtime type of every element in this list.
a - the array into which the elements of the list are to be stored, if it is big enough; otherwise, a new array of the same runtime type is allocated for this purpose.
an array containing the elements of the list.


public Vector toVector()
Returns a vector representation of this List.


public void reverse()
Reverses the sequence of elements in this list.


public void sort(Comparator comp)
Sorts the elements in this list according to the given comparator. NOTE: The elements will be assigned to different ListCells by this method.

Complexity:: O(size()*log(size()))


public void sort()
Sorts the specified array of objects into ascending order, according to the natural ordering of its elements. All elements in the array must implement the Comparable interface. Furthermore, all elements in the list must be mutually comparable (that is, e1.compareTo(e2) must not throw a ClassCastException for any elements e1 and e2 in the list). NOTE: The elements will be assigned to different ListCells by this method.

Complexity:: O(size()*log(size()))


public void splice(YList list)
Transfers the contents of the given list to the end of this list. The given list will be empty after this operation. Note that this operation transfers the list cells of the given list to this list. No new list cells will be created by this operation.

Complexity:: O(1)

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yWorks GmbH.
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