Class Node


public class Node
extends y.base.GraphObject

Represents a vertex in the directed graph datatype Graph.

Constructor Summary
protected Node(Graph g)
          Instantiates a new Node object that will be part of the given graph.
Method Summary
 Node createCopy(Graph g)
          Creates a copy of this node that will be inserted in the given graph.
 int degree()
          Returns the number of ingoing and outgoing edges at this node.
 EdgeCursor edges()
          Returns an edge cursor for all in- and outgoing edges at this node.
 Edge firstInEdge()
          Returns the first ingoing edge at this node, or null if it does not exist.
 Edge firstOutEdge()
          Returns the first outgoing edge at this node, or null if it does not exist.
 Edge getEdge(Node opposite)
          Returns an edge that connects this node with the given node, if such an edge exists.
 Edge getEdgeFrom(Node source)
          Returns an edge (source,v), if such an edge exists.
 Edge getEdgeTo(Node target)
          Returns an edge (v,target), if such an edge exists.
 Graph getGraph()
          Returns the graph this node belongs to.
 int inDegree()
          Returns the number of ingoing edges at this node.
 int index()
          Returns this node's index within its graph G .
 EdgeCursor inEdges()
          Returns an edge cursor for all ingoing edges at this node.
 EdgeCursor inEdges(Edge startEdge)
          Returns an edge cursor for ingoing edges at this node that starts that the given edge.
 Edge lastInEdge()
          Returns the last ingoing edge at this node, or null if it does not exist.
 Edge lastOutEdge()
          Returns the last outgoing edge at this node, or null if it does not exist.
 NodeCursor neighbors()
          Returns a node cursor for all neighbor nodes of this node.
 int outDegree()
          Returns the number of outgoing edges at this node.
 EdgeCursor outEdges()
          Returns an edge cursor for all outgoing edges at this node.
 EdgeCursor outEdges(Edge startEdge)
          Returns an edge cursor for outgoing edges at this node that starts that the given edge.
 NodeCursor predecessors()
          Returns a node cursor for all predecessor nodes of this node.
 void sortInEdges(Comparator c)
          Sorts ingoing edges at this node according to c.
 void sortOutEdges(Comparator c)
          Sorts outgoing edges at this node according to c.
 NodeCursor successors()
          Returns a node cursor for all successor nodes of this node.
 String toString()
          Returns a string representation of this node.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


protected Node(Graph g)
Instantiates a new Node object that will be part of the given graph.

g - the graph the created node will belong to.
Method Detail


public Node createCopy(Graph g)
Creates a copy of this node that will be inserted in the given graph.

g - the graph the created node will belong to.
a newly created node


public int degree()
Returns the number of ingoing and outgoing edges at this node.


public int inDegree()
Returns the number of ingoing edges at this node.


public int outDegree()
Returns the number of outgoing edges at this node.


public int index()
Returns this node's index within its graph G . Node indices represent the ordering of standard node iteration on G. The value of an index is >= 0 and < G.nodeCount().

Precondition: This edge must belong to some graph


public Graph getGraph()
Returns the graph this node belongs to. If the node does not belong to a graph because it was removed from it, this method will return null.


public Edge firstOutEdge()
Returns the first outgoing edge at this node, or null if it does not exist.


public Edge firstInEdge()
Returns the first ingoing edge at this node, or null if it does not exist.


public Edge lastOutEdge()
Returns the last outgoing edge at this node, or null if it does not exist.


public Edge lastInEdge()
Returns the last ingoing edge at this node, or null if it does not exist.


public EdgeCursor edges()
Returns an edge cursor for all in- and outgoing edges at this node.


public EdgeCursor inEdges()
Returns an edge cursor for all ingoing edges at this node.


public EdgeCursor inEdges(Edge startEdge)
Returns an edge cursor for ingoing edges at this node that starts that the given edge. The cyclic sequence order is the same as returned by Node.inEdges().

Precondition: startEdge is an ingoing edge at this node

startEdge - the first edge being accessed by the returned cursor.


public EdgeCursor outEdges()
Returns an edge cursor for all outgoing edges at this node.


public EdgeCursor outEdges(Edge startEdge)
Returns an edge cursor for outgoing edges at this node that starts that the given edge. The cyclic sequence order is the same as returned by Node.outEdges().

Precondition: startEdge is an outgoing edge at this node

startEdge - the first edge being accessed by the returned cursor.


public NodeCursor neighbors()
Returns a node cursor for all neighbor nodes of this node.


public NodeCursor predecessors()
Returns a node cursor for all predecessor nodes of this node.


public NodeCursor successors()
Returns a node cursor for all successor nodes of this node.


public Edge getEdgeTo(Node target)
Returns an edge (v,target), if such an edge exists. Otherwise null is returned.


public Edge getEdgeFrom(Node source)
Returns an edge (source,v), if such an edge exists. Otherwise null is returned.


public Edge getEdge(Node opposite)
Returns an edge that connects this node with the given node, if such an edge exists. Otherwise null is returned.


public void sortInEdges(Comparator c)
Sorts ingoing edges at this node according to c.


public void sortOutEdges(Comparator c)
Sorts outgoing edges at this node according to c.


public String toString()
Returns a string representation of this node.

toString in class Object

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