Interface GraphLayout

All Known Implementing Classes:
DefaultGraphLayout, LayoutGraph

public interface GraphLayout

This interface defines the layout information of a graph.

Method Summary
 Rectangle getBoundingBox()
          Returns the bounding box of the graph layout.
 EdgeLabelLayout[] getEdgeLabelLayout(Object edge)
          Returns an array of layout information for all edge labels belonging to the given edge.
 EdgeLayout getEdgeLayout(Object edge)
          Returns the layout information for a given edge.
 NodeLabelLayout[] getNodeLabelLayout(Object node)
          Returns an array of layout information for all node labels belonging to the given node.
 NodeLayout getNodeLayout(Object node)
          Returns the layout information for a given node.

Method Detail


public NodeLayout getNodeLayout(Object node)
Returns the layout information for a given node.


public EdgeLayout getEdgeLayout(Object edge)
Returns the layout information for a given edge.


public NodeLabelLayout[] getNodeLabelLayout(Object node)
Returns an array of layout information for all node labels belonging to the given node.


public EdgeLabelLayout[] getEdgeLabelLayout(Object edge)
Returns an array of layout information for all edge labels belonging to the given edge.


public Rectangle getBoundingBox()
Returns the bounding box of the graph layout. That is the smallest rectangular area that contains all defined layout elements. If there are no elements in this graph layout, the resulting rectangle will have negative width and height.

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