Interface NodeLayout

All Known Implementing Classes:
DefaultNodeLayout, NodeRealizer

public interface NodeLayout

This interface describes the layout information for a node in the drawing of a graph. The layout information consists of the size and position of the node.

Method Summary
 double getHeight()
          Returns the width of the node.
 double getWidth()
          Returns the height of the node.
 double getX()
          Returns X-Coordinate of the upper left corner of the node.
 double getY()
          Returns Y-Coordinate of the upper left corner of the node.
 void setLocation(double x, double y)
          Sets the coordinates of the upper left corner of the node.
 void setSize(double width, double height)
          Sets the size of the node.

Method Detail


public double getX()
Returns X-Coordinate of the upper left corner of the node.


public double getY()
Returns Y-Coordinate of the upper left corner of the node.


public double getWidth()
Returns the height of the node.


public double getHeight()
Returns the width of the node.


public void setLocation(double x,
                        double y)
Sets the coordinates of the upper left corner of the node.

x - the x-coordinates of the upper left corner.
y - the y-coordinates of the upper left corner.


public void setSize(double width,
                    double height)
Sets the size of the node.

width - the width of the node.
height - the heigth of the node.

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