Interface LabelLayoutConstants

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
EdgeLabel, EdgeLabelLayoutImpl, LabelLayoutData

public interface LabelLayoutConstants

This interface defines constants relevant for the automatic labeling process.

The specifiers LabelLayoutConstants.PLACE_ANYWHERE. LabelLayoutConstants.PLACE_AT_SOURCE, LabelLayoutConstants.PLACE_AT_TARGET and LabelLayoutConstants.PLACE_AT_CENTER express at what approximate location along an edge path a label should be placed by a layout algorithm.

The specifiers LabelLayoutConstants.PLACE_ON_EDGE. LabelLayoutConstants.PLACE_LEFT_OF_EDGE or LabelLayoutConstants.PLACE_RIGHT_OF_EDGE express on which side of the edge path a label should be placed by a labeling algorithm.

ORed combinations of edge label layout constants like (LabelLayoutConstants.PLACE_AT_SOURCE | LabelLayoutConstants.PLACE_RIGHT_OF_EDGE) can be used as preferred placement hints.

See Also:

Field Summary
static byte PLACE_ANYWHERE
          Preferred placement specifier for edge labels.
static byte PLACE_AT_CENTER
          Preferred placement specifier for edge labels.
static byte PLACE_AT_SOURCE
          Preferred placement specifier for edge labels.
static byte PLACE_AT_TARGET
          Preferred placement specifier for edge labels.
static byte PLACE_LEFT_OF_EDGE
          Preferred placement specifier for edge labels.
static byte PLACE_ON_EDGE
          Preferred placement specifier for edge labels.
          Preferred placement specifier for edge labels.
          Placement specifier mask.
          Placement specifier mask.

Field Detail


public static final byte PLACE_ANYWHERE
Preferred placement specifier for edge labels. Expresses that the label can be placed anywhere along an edge.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final byte PLACE_AT_SOURCE
Preferred placement specifier for edge labels. Expresses that the label should be placed near the source node of an edge.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final byte PLACE_AT_TARGET
Preferred placement specifier for edge labels. Expresses that the label should be placed near the target node of an edge.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final byte PLACE_AT_CENTER
Preferred placement specifier for edge labels. Expresses that the label should be placed near the center of the edge path.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final byte PLACEMENT_ALONG_EDGE_MASK
Placement specifier mask. Masks all placement specifiers that are not one of LabelLayoutConstants.PLACE_AT_TARGET, @{link #PLACE_AT_SOURCE} or @{link #PLACE_AT_CENTER}.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final byte PLACE_ON_EDGE
Preferred placement specifier for edge labels. Expresses that the label should be placed on the path of the edge.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final byte PLACE_LEFT_OF_EDGE
Preferred placement specifier for edge labels. Expresses that the label should be placed on the left hand side of the edge path if looking from the source node into the direction of the target node.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final byte PLACE_RIGHT_OF_EDGE
Preferred placement specifier for edge labels. Expresses that the label should be placed on the right hand side of the edge path if looking from the source node into the direction of the target node.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final byte PLACEMENT_ON_SIDE_OF_EDGE_MASK
Placement specifier mask. Masks all placement specifiers that are not one of LabelLayoutConstants.PLACE_ON_EDGE, @{link #PLACE_LEFT_OF_EDGE} or @{link #PLACE_RIGHT_OF_EDGE}.

See Also:
Constant Field Values

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