Class DiscreteEdgeLabelModel

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class DiscreteEdgeLabelModel
extends Object
implements EdgeLabelModel

An edge label model that allows placement of labels at some positions along an edge.

It's possible to specify an distance value that controls the distance between label and edge. Furthermore there's the possibility to mask out arbitrary edge label candidates. This can either be done by specifing predefined candidate masks or by or-ing allowed label candidates to a user defined mask.

Field Summary
static int CENTER
static int CENTERED
static int HEAD
static int SCENTER
static int SHEAD
static int SIX_POS
static int STAIL
static int TAIL
static int TCENTER
static int THEAD
static int THREE_CENTER
static int TTAIL
static int TWO_POS
Constructor Summary
          Returns a new instance of DiscreteEdgeLabelModel.
DiscreteEdgeLabelModel(int candidateMask)
          Returns a new instance of DiscreteEdgeLabelModel.
Method Summary
 Object createModelParameter(YRectangle labelBounds, EdgeLayout edgeLayout, NodeLayout sourceNode, NodeLayout targetNode)
          Creates a model parameter that represents the given edge label context best within this model.
 Object getDefaultParameter()
          Returns the default position.
 YList getLabelCandidates(EdgeLabelLayout label, EdgeLayout edgeLayout, NodeLayout sourceNode, NodeLayout targetNode)
          Returns a list of instances of EdgeLabelCandidates representing the label candidates.
protected  YPoint getLabelPlacement(YDimension labelSize, EdgeLayout edgeLayout, NodeLayout sourceNode, NodeLayout targetNode, int pos)
          Return the position for a given label model parameter
 YPoint getLabelPlacement(YDimension labelSize, EdgeLayout edgeLayout, NodeLayout sourceNode, NodeLayout targetNode, Object para)
          Returns the location of the upper left corner of the label according to a certain parameter.
 boolean isParameterValid(Object parameter)
          Returns if a given parameter is valid in the model.
 void setDistance(double value)
          Sets the distance from the edge.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int SHEAD
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int HEAD
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int THEAD
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int STAIL
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int TAIL
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int TTAIL
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int SCENTER
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int CENTER
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int TCENTER
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int TWO_POS
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int CENTERED
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int SIX_POS
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int THREE_CENTER
See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public DiscreteEdgeLabelModel()
Returns a new instance of DiscreteEdgeLabelModel. Default Model is SIX_POS.


public DiscreteEdgeLabelModel(int candidateMask)
Returns a new instance of DiscreteEdgeLabelModel.

candidateMask - the allowed positions for the label.
Method Detail


public void setDistance(double value)
Sets the distance from the edge.


public Object getDefaultParameter()
Returns the default position.

Specified by:
getDefaultParameter in interface EdgeLabelModel


public Object createModelParameter(YRectangle labelBounds,
                                   EdgeLayout edgeLayout,
                                   NodeLayout sourceNode,
                                   NodeLayout targetNode)
Description copied from interface: EdgeLabelModel
Creates a model parameter that represents the given edge label context best within this model. The created model parameter represents the closest parameter representation of the given label location that can be achived within the model.

Specified by:
createModelParameter in interface EdgeLabelModel
labelBounds - the bounds of the label for which a parameter representation is sought.
edgeLayout - the layout of the edge to which the label belongs.
sourceNode - the layout of the source node of the label owning edge.
targetNode - the layout of the target node of the label owning edge.


public boolean isParameterValid(Object parameter)
Returns if a given parameter is valid in the model.


public YPoint getLabelPlacement(YDimension labelSize,
                                EdgeLayout edgeLayout,
                                NodeLayout sourceNode,
                                NodeLayout targetNode,
                                Object para)
Returns the location of the upper left corner of the label according to a certain parameter.

Specified by:
getLabelPlacement in interface EdgeLabelModel
labelSize - the size of the label that should be placed
edgeLayout - the layout of the edge to which the label belongs.
sourceNode - the layout of the source node of the label owning edge.
targetNode - the layout of the target node of the label owning edge.
para - the model paramter that describes the abstract position of the label within this model. The parameter must have been generated by this model.


public YList getLabelCandidates(EdgeLabelLayout label,
                                EdgeLayout edgeLayout,
                                NodeLayout sourceNode,
                                NodeLayout targetNode)
Returns a list of instances of EdgeLabelCandidates representing the label candidates.

Specified by:
getLabelCandidates in interface EdgeLabelModel
label - label for which candidates should be generated
edgeLayout - the layout of the edge to which the label belongs.
sourceNode - the layout of the source node of the label owning edge.
targetNode - the layout of the target node of the label owning edge.


protected YPoint getLabelPlacement(YDimension labelSize,
                                   EdgeLayout edgeLayout,
                                   NodeLayout sourceNode,
                                   NodeLayout targetNode,
                                   int pos)
Return the position for a given label model parameter

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