Package y.layout.hierarchic

This package encapsulates all classes that make up HierarchicLayouter.


Interface Summary
Drawer Interface for the third phase of the sugiyama algorithm.
Layerer This is the interface to the node layering phase of the hierarchic layouter.
LayerSequencer Classes implementing this interface calculate the order of nodes within the different layers that the graph has been partitioned. in.
MementoSupport This interface is a Cookie for the HierarchicLayouter's memento support.

Class Summary
AbstractDrawer Abstract base class for the third phase of the sugiyama algorithm.
AsIsLayerer This layerer implementation assigns layers by analysing already existing node coordinates.
BFSLayerer Layerer that uses a breadth first search to assign layers to the nodes.
ClassicLayerSequencer This class implements the second phase of the sugiyama algorithm.
EdgeReverser Helper that reverses edges that are oriented in the wrong direction.
GivenLayersLayerer This layerer implementation layers the nodes by given layer IDs.
HierarchicGroupLayouter This class is an extended variant of the HierarchicLayouter class.
HierarchicLayouter This class implements a layouter for drawing directed graphs in a hierarchic way.
LinearSegmentsDrawer This class implements the third phase of the sugiyama layout algorithm.
MedianDrawerWrapper This class can be used to improve the results of different drawers.
MedianLinearSegmentDrawer This class implements the third phase of the hierarchic layout algorithm.
PendularDrawer This class implements the third phase of the sugiyama layout algorithm as described in "Visualisierungstechniken fuer den Compilerbau" (Georg Sander) mixed with techniques as described in "A technique for drawing directed graphs" (Gansner et al)
PolylineDrawer This class is an implementation of the third phase of the sugiyama algorithm, which represents edges by polylines.
PortAssignment This class assigns port coordinates to the edges of a graph.
SimplexDrawer Drawer based on rank-assignment.
TopologicalLayerer This class implements the first phase of the sugiyama algorithm.
TreeDrawer This class implements the third phase of the hierarchic layout algorithm for trees.
WeightedLayerer This class implements the first phase of the hierarchic layouter.

Package y.layout.hierarchic Description

This package encapsulates all classes that make up HierarchicLayouter.

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