Interface Layerer

All Known Implementing Classes:
AsIsLayerer, BFSLayerer, GivenLayersLayerer, TopologicalLayerer, WeightedLayerer

public interface Layerer

This is the interface to the node layering phase of the hierarchic layouter. Implementations of this class must partition the nodes of the input graph in hierarchic layers.

Method Summary
 int assignNodeLayer(LayoutGraph g, NodeMap layer, EdgeList reversedEdges)
          This method assigns the nodes in the graph to layers.

Method Detail


public int assignNodeLayer(LayoutGraph g,
                           NodeMap layer,
                           EdgeList reversedEdges)
This method assigns the nodes in the graph to layers.

g - the graph for which the layers are determined.
layer - here the layers are stored
reversedEdges - here the edges are stored which had been reversed.
the number of layers

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