Interface LayerSequencer

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface LayerSequencer

Classes implementing this interface calculate the order of nodes within the different layers that the graph has been partitioned. in. within given layers.

Method Summary
 NodeList[] getLayers(LayoutGraph g, NodeMap layerID, int maxLayer)
          Calculates the sequence of nodes within each layer.

Method Detail


public NodeList[] getLayers(LayoutGraph g,
                            NodeMap layerID,
                            int maxLayer)
Calculates the sequence of nodes within each layer.

g - the graph being acted upon
layerID - provides for each node an integral number signifying the layer of that node. The first layer has the number 0.
maxLayer - the number of diferent layers
an array of length maxLayer containing nodelists. Each nodelist contains the nodes of a corrsponding layer. The order of the nodes within each nodelist represents the sequence of the nodes within their layer.

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