Interface MementoSupport

public interface MementoSupport

This interface is a Cookie for the HierarchicLayouter's memento support.

Field Summary
static byte LAYERING_PHASE
          Constant describing the first phase of the HierarchicLayouter algorithm.
          Constant describing the second phase of the HierarchicLayouter algorithm.
Method Summary
 Object createMemento()
          Creates a memento which can be held by the user, before using the support, a valid memento Object has to be set using the corresponding setter method.
 Object getMemento()
          Gets the currently active memento Object
 boolean getMementoMode(byte phase)
          Retrieves the current mode previously set by setMementoMode(byte, boolean) for the given phase of the algorithm.
 void setMemento(Object memento)
          Sets a previously created memento Object to be used for the next operation
 void setMementoMode(byte phase, boolean useMemento)
          Sets the mode for each phase of the algorithm.

Field Detail


public static final byte LAYERING_PHASE
Constant describing the first phase of the HierarchicLayouter algorithm.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final byte SEQUENCING_PHASE
Constant describing the second phase of the HierarchicLayouter algorithm.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


public Object createMemento()
Creates a memento which can be held by the user, before using the support, a valid memento Object has to be set using the corresponding setter method.


public void setMemento(Object memento)
Sets a previously created memento Object to be used for the next operation


public Object getMemento()
Gets the currently active memento Object


public void setMementoMode(byte phase,
                           boolean useMemento)
Sets the mode for each phase of the algorithm. true makes the algorithm use the values stored in the memento from a previous run, whereas false makes the algorithm store the information in the memento after the next run.


public boolean getMementoMode(byte phase)
Retrieves the current mode previously set by setMementoMode(byte, boolean) for the given phase of the algorithm.

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