Class MedianDrawerWrapper

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class MedianDrawerWrapper
extends Object
implements Drawer

This class can be used to improve the results of different drawers. It is designed as a wrapper to another drawer (especially SimplexDrawer). It will insert additional dummy nodes for each node that has an even number of incoming edges or outgoing edges. Dummy nodes will be inserted in the neighbor layer at the center of the other edges' opposite nodes.

Field Summary
protected  Drawer delegate
          the delegate
protected  NodeMap dummy
          the dummyMap
Fields inherited from interface y.layout.hierarchic.Drawer
Constructor Summary
MedianDrawerWrapper(Drawer delegate)
          Creates a new instance of MedianDrawerWrapper using the delegate to perform the core work.
Method Summary
 void assignCoordinates(LayoutGraph g, NodeList[] layerLists, DataProvider layerID)
          This method assigns the coordinates to the nodes.
 Drawer getDelegate()
          Gets the drawer to which the actual drawing will be delegated.
protected  void postprocess(LayoutGraph g, NodeList[] layerLists, NodeMap layerID)
          Called as a hook after the actual drawing is performed by the delegate
protected  void preprocess(LayoutGraph g, NodeList[] layerLists, NodeMap layerID)
          Called as a hook before the actual drawing is performed by the delegate
 void setDelegate(Drawer delegate)
          Sets the drawer to which the actual drawing will be delegated.
 void setDummyMap(NodeMap dummy)
          Gives the drawer the opportunity to distinguish between dummy nodes and real ones. dummy stores the original edge for each dummy node or null for real nodes.
 void setMinimalEdgeDistance(double d)
          Sets the minimal distance between two edges in the same layer.
 void setMinimalLayerDistance(double d)
          Sets the minimal distance between two layers.
 void setMinimalMultiEdgeDistance(double d)
          Sets the minimal distance between two edges sharing source/target (aka multiedges) in the same layer.
 void setMinimalNodeDistance(double d)
          Sets the minimal distance between two nodes in the same layer.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected Drawer delegate
the delegate


protected NodeMap dummy
the dummyMap

Constructor Detail


public MedianDrawerWrapper(Drawer delegate)
Creates a new instance of MedianDrawerWrapper using the delegate to perform the core work.

Method Detail


public void assignCoordinates(LayoutGraph g,
                              NodeList[] layerLists,
                              DataProvider layerID)
Description copied from interface: Drawer
This method assigns the coordinates to the nodes.

Specified by:
assignCoordinates in interface Drawer


public void setDummyMap(NodeMap dummy)
Description copied from interface: Drawer
Gives the drawer the opportunity to distinguish between dummy nodes and real ones. dummy stores the original edge for each dummy node or null for real nodes.

Specified by:
setDummyMap in interface Drawer


public void setMinimalEdgeDistance(double d)
Description copied from interface: Drawer
Sets the minimal distance between two edges in the same layer.

Specified by:
setMinimalEdgeDistance in interface Drawer


public void setMinimalLayerDistance(double d)
Description copied from interface: Drawer
Sets the minimal distance between two layers.

Specified by:
setMinimalLayerDistance in interface Drawer


public void setMinimalMultiEdgeDistance(double d)
Description copied from interface: Drawer
Sets the minimal distance between two edges sharing source/target (aka multiedges) in the same layer.

Specified by:
setMinimalMultiEdgeDistance in interface Drawer


public void setMinimalNodeDistance(double d)
Description copied from interface: Drawer
Sets the minimal distance between two nodes in the same layer.

Specified by:
setMinimalNodeDistance in interface Drawer


protected void preprocess(LayoutGraph g,
                          NodeList[] layerLists,
                          NodeMap layerID)
Called as a hook before the actual drawing is performed by the delegate


protected void postprocess(LayoutGraph g,
                           NodeList[] layerLists,
                           NodeMap layerID)
Called as a hook after the actual drawing is performed by the delegate


public Drawer getDelegate()
Gets the drawer to which the actual drawing will be delegated.


public void setDelegate(Drawer delegate)
Sets the drawer to which the actual drawing will be delegated.

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