Package y.view

Provides classes for viewing and editing graphs.


Interface Summary
BackgroundRenderer An interface for classes that provide background rendering for Graph2DView.
BendCursor A cursor interface for iterating over bends.
Drawable An interface for classes that can draw themselves.
Graph2D.BackupRealizersHandler Implementations of this interface are responsible for backing up the node and edge realizer of a Graph2D.
Graph2DListener The listener interface for receiving Graph2DEvents.
Graph2DRenderer Implementations of this interface render a Graph2D object.
Graph2DSelectionListener The listener interface for receiving Graph2DSelectionEvents.
View Interface for classes that implement a view for a Graph2D.
View2DConstants Constants useful in Graph2DView.
ViewChangeListener An interface for classes that are interested in the event that a ViewContainer changes it's current view.
ViewContainer A ViewContainer is the owner of a set of views.

Class Summary
AbstractSelectionBoxMode An abstract view mode that draws a temporary box in a view The bounds of this box can be controlled by dragging a corner of the box.
ArcEdgeRealizer An edge realizer that displays an edge as an arc.
Arrow Defines a class for arrows, which are usually seen at the end of edges.
Bend This class represents a control point of a visual edge.
BendList An list for bends
BezierEdgeRealizer This realizer draws an edge as a bezier spline curve.
CreateEdgeMode This view mode is responsible for creating edges.
DefaultBackgroundRenderer Implements a background renderer that displays an image or a solid color as background of a Graph2DView.
DefaultGraph2DFactory This is the default implementation of a graph factory that produces graphs of type Graph2D and default graph objects corresponding to that graph type.
DefaultGraph2DRenderer Default Graph2DRenderer implementation.
EdgeLabel This class represents a label associated with an EdgeRealizer.
EdgeRealizer Abstract graphical representation of an edge.
EditMode This view mode is the default edit mode for a Graph2DView.
Graph2D This class represents a graph with additional 2D support.
Graph2DEvent An event which indicates that a property associated with a Graph2D or associated with one of its elements has changed.
Graph2DNodeRealizer A node realizer that can display a graph as its contents.
Graph2DPrinter This class is responsible for printing the contents of a Graph2DView on one or more pages.
Graph2DSelectionEvent An event which indicates that the selection state of an edge, a bend or a node in a Graph2D has changed.
Graph2DUndoManager This class provides undoability and redoability support for Graph2D changes.
Graph2DView This is a powerful component to view graphs in 2-dimensional space.
Graph2DViewActions This class provides actions for Graph2DView.
GraphTreeModel This class represents a flat tree model for a graph.
HitInfo A class that collects hit information for a elements contained in a Graph2D.
HotSpotMode Handles hotspot drags.
ImageNodeRealizer A node realizer that displays a node as an image.
InteractiveViewMode A ViewMode for interactive input scenarios.
InterfacePort Defines a logical end point of an edge relative to the center location of a node.
LayoutMorpher Command that applies a suitable GraphLayoutInfo object to a Graph2D in an animated fashion.
LineType The line type of a graphical edge representation.
MoveLabelMode This view mode allows interactive reassignment of label positions.
MovePortMode A view mode that allows interactive reassignment of edge ports.
MoveSelectionMode This view mode is responsible for moving selected parts of the displayed graph.
MoveViewPortMode A view mode that allows moving the viewport of the view.
NavigationMode A view mode that allows to navigate in a view
NodeLabel This class represents a label associated with a NodeRealizer.
NodeRealizer Abstract graphical representation of a node.
Overview This is a specialized View which acts as Overview.
PolyLineEdgeRealizer An edge realizer that displays an edge as a polyline.
PopupMode A view mode that is responsible for showing context sensitive popup menus when a right click occurs on a view element.
Port Defines a logical end point of an edge relative to the center location of a node.
ProxyShapeNodeRealizer A ShapeNodeRealizer that can act as a proxy to another internally used realizer.
RadialBackgroundRenderer Background renderer that paints radial shapes around a specific node.
Scroller This is a class which scrolls a view in direction with a certain speed.
SelectionBoxMode This ViewMode is responsible for letting the user open up a selection box.
Selections This abstract class provides static methods, that perform several different actions and create objects that can be used in conjunction with selections on a Graph2D
ShapeNodeRealizer A node realizer that displays a node as a geometric shape.
SplineEdgeRealizer This realizer draws an edge as a natural cubic sline curve.
TreeView Shows the nodes of graph in a tree structure.
Util This class provides some static convenience methods and temporary scratch variables.
ViewControl This class manages the ViewModes on a collection of views.
ViewMode This class handles events comming from a Graph2DView.
YLabel This class encapsulates a multi-line text label.
YRenderingHints Provides rendering hint keys whose associated values may be interpreted by NodeRealizer, EdgeRealizer and other objects that are drawn within a Graph2DView..

Package y.view Description

Provides classes for viewing and editing graphs. The most prominent class in this package is Graph2DView. A swing component for viewing graphs in 2-dimensional space.

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