Interface ViewContainer

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ViewContainer

A ViewContainer is the owner of a set of views. One of it's views is always marked as it's current view, i.e. the one that is active.

this interface informs registered ViewChangeListener objects that it's current view has changed.

A ViewContainer provides a view control that is used for all it's views.

Method Summary
 void addViewChangeListener(ViewChangeListener l)
          Registers a ViewChangeListener to the ViewContainer.
 View getCurrentView()
          Returns the currently active view in the ViewContainer.
 ViewControl getViewControl()
          Returns the ViewControl that is used for all the views of the ViewContainer.

Method Detail


public View getCurrentView()
Returns the currently active view in the ViewContainer.


public void addViewChangeListener(ViewChangeListener l)
Registers a ViewChangeListener to the ViewContainer.


public ViewControl getViewControl()
Returns the ViewControl that is used for all the views of the ViewContainer.

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