Interface View2DConstants

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface View2DConstants

Constants useful in Graph2DView.

Field Summary
static int GRID_CROSS
          Grid type specifier.
static int GRID_LINES
          Grid type specifier.
static int GRID_NONE
          Grid type specifier.
static int GRID_POINTS
          Grid type specifier.

Field Detail


public static final int GRID_NONE
Grid type specifier. Means that no grid should be used.

See Also:
Graph2DView.setGridType(int)., Constant Field Values


public static final int GRID_LINES
Grid type specifier. Means that a grid is displayed as solid lines.

See Also:
Graph2DView.setGridType(int)., Constant Field Values


public static final int GRID_POINTS
Grid type specifier. Means that a grid is displayed as points at the grid points.

See Also:
Graph2DView.setGridType(int)., Constant Field Values


public static final int GRID_CROSS
Grid type specifier. Means that a grid is displayed as small crosses at the grid points.

See Also:
Graph2DView.setGridType(int)., Constant Field Values

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