Interface IntNodePQ

All Known Implementing Classes:
ArrayIntNodePQ, BHeapIntNodePQ, ListIntNodePQ, TreeIntNodePQ

public interface IntNodePQ

Defines an interface for specialized priority queues that contains nodes which are prioritized by associated int values.

Method Summary
 void add(Node n, int priority)
          Adds a node with the given priority to the queue.
 void clear()
          Removes all entries from the queue.
 boolean contains(Node n)
          Returns whether or not the given node is contained within this queue.
 void decreasePriority(Node n, int priority)
          Decreases the priority of a node in the queue to a given value.
 void dispose()
          Disposes this queue.
 Node getMin()
          Returns he node with smallest priority in this queue.
 int getPriority(Node n)
          Returns the current priority of the given node.
 boolean isEmpty()
          Returns whether or not this queue is empty.
 Node removeMin()
          Removes the node with the minimal priority from the queue.

Method Detail


public boolean isEmpty()
Returns whether or not this queue is empty.


public boolean contains(Node n)
Returns whether or not the given node is contained within this queue.


public void add(Node n,
                int priority)
Adds a node with the given priority to the queue.


public Node getMin()
Returns he node with smallest priority in this queue.



public Node removeMin()
Removes the node with the minimal priority from the queue.


public void decreasePriority(Node n,
                             int priority)
Decreases the priority of a node in the queue to a given value.

n - a node in the priotity queue.
priority - the new priority value of the node.


public void clear()
Removes all entries from the queue.


public int getPriority(Node n)
Returns the current priority of the given node.


public void dispose()
Disposes this queue. It is important to call this method after the queue is not needed anymore, to free bound resources.

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