Class GraphHider


public class GraphHider
extends Object

Provides functionality to hide and unhide nodes and edges of a graph.

This class can be used to temporarily hide away certain elements of a graph and to unhide that parts at a later time again. Instances of this class keep track of graph elements that were hidden from a graph in order to make them visible again at a later time.

Field Summary
protected  EdgeList hiddenEdges
          holds the list of the hidden edges in stack order
protected  NodeList hiddenNodes
          holds the list of the hidden nodes in stack order
Constructor Summary
GraphHider(Graph g)
          Instantiates a new GraphHider for the given graph.
Method Summary
 Graph getGraph()
          Getter for property graph.
 void hide(Edge e)
          Hides the given edge from the graph.
 void hide(EdgeCursor ec)
          Hides the given edges from the graph.
 void hide(EdgeList el)
          Hides the given list of edges from the graph.
 void hide(Node v)
          Hides the given node and all it's adjacent edges from the graph.
 void hide(NodeCursor nc)
          Hides the given nodes from the graph.
 void hide(NodeList nl)
          Hides the given list of nodes from the graph.
 void hide(YCursor cursor)
          Hides the given elements from the graph.
 void hideAll()
          Hides all nodes and edges from this graph.
 void hideEdges()
          Hides all edges from this graph.
 void hideMultipleEdges()
          Hides multiple edges from the graph.
 void hideSelfLoops()
          Hides all selfloop edges from this graph.
static void hideSubgraph(Graph graph, EdgeCursor ec)
          Hides the subgraph induced by the given edges from the given graph.
 boolean isFireGraphEventsEnabled()
          Returns whether or not this hider should fire graph events.
 void setFireGraphEventsEnabled(boolean fireEvents)
          Whether or not this hider should fire graph events when adding or removing items from the graph.
 void simplifyGraph()
          Hides all selfloops and multiple edges from the graph.
protected  void unhide(Edge e)
          This method will be called whenever the hider is requested to unhide the given edge from the graph.
protected  void unhide(Node v)
          This method will be called whenever the hider is requested to unhide the given node from the graph.
 void unhideAll()
          Unhides all formerly hidden elements in the graph.
 void unhideEdges()
          Unhides all formerly hidden edges in the graph.
 void unhideNodes()
          Unhides all formerly hidden nodes in the graph.
static void unhideSubgraph(Graph graph, EdgeCursor ec)
          Unhides the subgraph induced by the given edges in the given graph.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected EdgeList hiddenEdges
holds the list of the hidden edges in stack order


protected NodeList hiddenNodes
holds the list of the hidden nodes in stack order

Constructor Detail


public GraphHider(Graph g)
Instantiates a new GraphHider for the given graph. All non-static hiding and unhiding methods will refer to the given graph.

Method Detail


public void setFireGraphEventsEnabled(boolean fireEvents)
Whether or not this hider should fire graph events when adding or removing items from the graph. By default the hider does not fire graph events.


public boolean isFireGraphEventsEnabled()
Returns whether or not this hider should fire graph events.


public void hideAll()
Hides all nodes and edges from this graph. The hidden elements will be stored so that they can be unhidden again at a later time.


public void hideEdges()
Hides all edges from this graph. The hidden edges will be stored so that they can be unhidden again at a later time.


public void hideSelfLoops()
Hides all selfloop edges from this graph. The hidden edges will be stored so that they can be unhidden again at a later time.


public void simplifyGraph()
Hides all selfloops and multiple edges from the graph.

The overall effect of this method is that the minimum number of edges are hidden from the graph such that it contains no selfloops and no multiple edges anymore. The hidden edges will be stored so that they can be unhidden again at a later time.


public void hideMultipleEdges()
Hides multiple edges from the graph. If there are multiple edges connecting two nodes then all but one (representative) of these edges will be hidden. The hidden edges will be stored so that they can be unhidden again at a later time.


public void unhideAll()
Unhides all formerly hidden elements in the graph.


public void unhideNodes()
Unhides all formerly hidden nodes in the graph. Note that this method does not unhide hidden edges.


public void unhideEdges()
Unhides all formerly hidden edges in the graph.

Precondition:Both source or target node of all such edges must be contained in the graph.


public void hide(Node v)
Hides the given node and all it's adjacent edges from the graph. The hidden elements will be stored so that they can be unhidden again at a later time.


public void hide(Edge e)
Hides the given edge from the graph. The hidden edge will be stored so that they can be unhidden again at a later time.


public void hide(EdgeList el)
Hides the given list of edges from the graph. The hidden edges will be stored so that they can be unhidden again at a later time.


public void hide(NodeList nl)
Hides the given list of nodes from the graph. The hidden nodes and adjecant edges will be stored so that they can be unhidden again at a later time.


public void hide(EdgeCursor ec)
Hides the given edges from the graph. The hidden edges will be stored so that they can be unhidden again at a later time.


public void hide(NodeCursor nc)
Hides the given nodes from the graph. The hidden nodes and adjecant edges will be stored so that they can be unhidden again at a later time.


public void hide(YCursor cursor)
Hides the given elements from the graph. The hidden nodes and adjecant edges will be stored so that they can be unhidden again at a later time.


public static void unhideSubgraph(Graph graph,
                                  EdgeCursor ec)
Unhides the subgraph induced by the given edges in the given graph. The induced subgraph defined by the given edges consists of the given edges and all nodes that are either source or target of at least one of the given edges.

Parts of the subgraph that are already contained in the given graph will not be unhidden and pose no problem to this method.


public static void hideSubgraph(Graph graph,
                                EdgeCursor ec)
Hides the subgraph induced by the given edges from the given graph. The induced subgraph defined by the given edges consists of the given edges and all nodes that are solely connected to the rest of the graph by the given edges.


public Graph getGraph()
Getter for property graph.

Value of property graph.


protected void unhide(Edge e)
This method will be called whenever the hider is requested to unhide the given edge from the graph.


protected void unhide(Node v)
This method will be called whenever the hider is requested to unhide the given node from the graph.

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