Package y.option

Provides classes that allow to manage, store and edit a set of parameters in a very easy and convenient way.


Interface Summary
GuiFactory This interface must be implemented by GUIFactories which are used by OptionHandler and OptionSection
OptionsIOHandler Implementations of this class are responsible for reading and writing a hierarchically structured set of options or parameters.

Class Summary
AbstractGuiFactory Simple abstract implementation of GuiFactory
BoolOptionItem An option item for boolean values.
ColorListCellRenderer A ListCellRenderer for displaying colors.
ColorOptionItem An option item for Color values.
CommentOptionItem A dummy option item that displays a commentary text.
ComponentOptionItem An option item that displays a given JComponent as it's editor.
DoubleOptionItem An option item for double values.
EnumOptionItem An option item for a value that is chosen from a fixed range of possible values.
FileOptionItem An option item for file name values.
IntOptionItem An option item for integer values.
MappedListCellRenderer A ListCellRenderer that translates a given list value before it gets rendered by the super class.
OptionHandler A class that manages a set of parameters.
OptionItem Abstract class that serves as base class for all items that can be added to an OptionHandler.
OptionSection This class represents a section within an OptionHandler.
PasswordOptionItem An option item for password Strings.
PropertiesGuiFactory Simple defaut implementation of GuiFactory which takes the String values from a Map or Properties object
PropertiesIOHandler A OptionsIOHandler implementation that reads the options from and writes the options to a Java Properties object.
ResourceBundleGuiFactory Simple defaut implementation of GuiFactory which takes the String values from a list of ResourceBundles
StringOptionItem An option item for Strings.

Package y.option Description

Provides classes that allow to manage, store and edit a set of parameters in a very easy and convenient way. The most improtant class of this package is OptionHandler. It manages typed parameters and provides an editor component that allows to change the managed parameters interactively.

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