Class DoubleOptionItem


public class DoubleOptionItem
extends OptionItem

An option item for double values.

Provides an editor based on a JTextField and an optional JSlider for bounded double values.

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class y.option.OptionItem
Constructor Summary
DoubleOptionItem(String name, double value)
          Creates a new instance of DoubleOptionItem.
DoubleOptionItem(String name, double value, double minValue, double maxValue)
          Creates a new instance of DoubleOptionItem for bounded values.
DoubleOptionItem(String name, double value, double minValue, double maxValue, int precision)
          Like DoubleOptionItem.DoubleOptionItem(String,double,double,double).
Method Summary
 boolean adoptEditorValue()
          Adopts the value from the editor component to the item.
 boolean checkEditorValue()
          Whether or not the value entered in the editor is valid for this option item.
 JComponent getEditor()
          Returns the editor component for the this option item.
 String getType()
          Returns "Double"
 Object getValue()
          Returns the value of this option item
 void resetValue()
          Resets the value of this item to its initial value.
 void setValue(Object v)
          Sets the value of this option item
Methods inherited from class y.option.OptionItem
getClassType, getEditor, getName, getStringValue, getTipText, isValueUndefined, setClassType, setStringValue, setTipText, setValueUndefined, wantsVisibleName
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public DoubleOptionItem(String name,
                        double value)
Creates a new instance of DoubleOptionItem.

name - the name of this item
value - the initial double value


public DoubleOptionItem(String name,
                        double value,
                        double minValue,
                        double maxValue)
Creates a new instance of DoubleOptionItem for bounded values.

name - the name of this item
value - the initial double value
minValue - the minimal value the double value can have.
maxValue - the maximal value the double value can have.


public DoubleOptionItem(String name,
                        double value,
                        double minValue,
                        double maxValue,
                        int precision)
Like DoubleOptionItem.DoubleOptionItem(String,double,double,double). Additionally one can specify the slider precision for the double value. the precision is mesured by the the number of decimal places of the value. By default the number of decimal places is 1.

name - the name of this item
value - the initial double value
minValue - the minimal value the double value can have.
maxValue - the maximal value the double value can have.
precision - the slider precision for the value.
Method Detail


public Object getValue()
Description copied from class: OptionItem
Returns the value of this option item

Specified by:
getValue in class OptionItem


public void setValue(Object v)
Description copied from class: OptionItem
Sets the value of this option item

Specified by:
setValue in class OptionItem


public String getType()
Returns "Double"

Specified by:
getType in class OptionItem


public boolean adoptEditorValue()
Description copied from class: OptionItem
Adopts the value from the editor component to the item.

Specified by:
adoptEditorValue in class OptionItem


public void resetValue()
Description copied from class: OptionItem
Resets the value of this item to its initial value.

Specified by:
resetValue in class OptionItem


public boolean checkEditorValue()
Description copied from class: OptionItem
Whether or not the value entered in the editor is valid for this option item.

checkEditorValue in class OptionItem


public JComponent getEditor()
Description copied from class: OptionItem
Returns the editor component for the this option item. Note: Use the getEditor(GuiFactory,String) variant instead.

Specified by:
getEditor in class OptionItem

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