Class Graph2DHierarchyUndoManager

All Implemented Interfaces:
EventListener, Graph2D.BackupRealizersHandler, GraphListener, HierarchyListener

public class Graph2DHierarchyUndoManager
extends Graph2DUndoManager
implements HierarchyListener

This class provides undoability and redoability support for a hierarchy of graphs. Like its base class Graph2DUndoManager it must be registered as a GraphListener and Graph2D.BackupRealizersHandler to make this class aware of Graph2D changes.

Additionally this class acts as HierarchyListener and must therefore be registered with HierarchyManager.

Constructor Summary
Graph2DHierarchyUndoManager(HierarchyManager hierarchy)
          Creates a new instance of Graph2DHierarchyUndoManager.
Method Summary
 void addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener l)
          Adds a PropertyChangeListener to the listener list.
 Graph getActiveGraph()
          Getter for property activeGraph.
 void hierarchyChange(HierarchyEvent ev)
          HierarchyListener implementation.
 void onGraphEvent(GraphEvent e)
          Graph2DListener implementation.Structural changes of the graph will be converted to undoable commands and stored in a command stream for later execution.
 void redo()
          Causes the next command in line to be redone.
 void removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener l)
          Removes a PropertyChangeListener from the listener list.
 void setActiveGraph(Graph activeGraph)
          Setter for property activeGraph.
 void undo()
          Causes the next command in line to be undone.
Methods inherited from class y.view.Graph2DUndoManager
backupRealizers, backupRealizers, canRedo, canUndo, getActiveToken, getMaximumUndoDepth, getRedoAction, getUndoAction, getViewContainer, isActive, isActiveToken, push, resetQueue, sanatize, setExchangeRealizersOnBackup, setExchangeRealizersOnBackup, setMaximumUndoDepth, setViewContainer
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public Graph2DHierarchyUndoManager(HierarchyManager hierarchy)
Creates a new instance of Graph2DHierarchyUndoManager.

Method Detail


public void hierarchyChange(HierarchyEvent ev)
HierarchyListener implementation. This class keeps track of hierarchy changes.

Specified by:
hierarchyChange in interface HierarchyListener


public void addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener l)
Adds a PropertyChangeListener to the listener list. Changes of the "activeGraph" property will be propagated.


public void removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener l)
Removes a PropertyChangeListener from the listener list.


public Graph getActiveGraph()
Getter for property activeGraph.


public void setActiveGraph(Graph activeGraph)
Setter for property activeGraph.


public void onGraphEvent(GraphEvent e)
Description copied from class: Graph2DUndoManager
Graph2DListener implementation.Structural changes of the graph will be converted to undoable commands and stored in a command stream for later execution.

Specified by:
onGraphEvent in interface GraphListener
onGraphEvent in class Graph2DUndoManager


public void redo()
Description copied from class: Graph2DUndoManager
Causes the next command in line to be redone.

redo in class Graph2DUndoManager


public void undo()
Description copied from class: Graph2DUndoManager
Causes the next command in line to be undone.

undo in class Graph2DUndoManager

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