Interface AutoBoundsFeature

All Known Implementing Classes:
GroupNodeRealizer, ProxyAutoBoundsNodeRealizer

public interface AutoBoundsFeature

Additional interface for node realizers whose bounds may be determined by other factors then explicit bound assignment.

Method Summary
 Insets getAutoBoundsInsets()
          Returns the currently set auto bounds insets.
 Rectangle2D getMinimalAutoBounds()
          Returns the minimal auto bounds of this object.
 boolean isAutoBoundsEnabled()
          Queries whether or not auto bounds are enabled
 void setAutoBoundsEnabled(boolean enabled)
          Enabled or disabled the auto bounds feature.
 void setAutoBoundsInsets(Insets insets)
          Sets auto bounds insets.

Method Detail


public void setAutoBoundsEnabled(boolean enabled)
Enabled or disabled the auto bounds feature. If disabled, the realizer's bounds can be set manually. If enabled the auto bounds insets will be influenced by the currentlty set size of the realizer.


public boolean isAutoBoundsEnabled()
Queries whether or not auto bounds are enabled


public Rectangle2D getMinimalAutoBounds()
Returns the minimal auto bounds of this object.


public void setAutoBoundsInsets(Insets insets)
Sets auto bounds insets. The specified insets will be added to the minimal auto bounds.


public Insets getAutoBoundsInsets()
Returns the currently set auto bounds insets.

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