Package y.layout.tree

Provides tree style layout algorithms.


Class Summary
ARTreeLayouter This tree layouter tries to generate compact tree layouts with a certain aspect ratio.
BalloonLayouter A tree layouter that lays out the subtrees of the tree in a balloon-like fashion.
BalloonLayouter.NodeInfo Encapsulates information bound to a node during the algorithm calculates a layout
HVTreeLayouter This tree layouter allows to layout a tree such that each subgraph rooted at a node can either have a horizontal or vertical layout.
TreeComponentLayouter This stage can be used to do mix layouts for treelike subgraph structures and the non-tree like rest of a graph.
TreeLayouter This class is an layouter for trees.
XCoordComparator This comparator compares edges by examining the center-x coordinates of their target nodes.

Package y.layout.tree Description

Provides tree style layout algorithms.

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