Class BCCSubgraph

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class BCCSubgraph
extends Object
implements InitialPlanarSubgraph

This class calculates a planar subgraph for the each biconnected component of the graph and then puts these planar subgraphs together.

Constructor Summary
BCCSubgraph(InitialPlanarSubgraph ips)
Method Summary
 void createPlanarization(PlanarInformation p)
          This method planarizes a graph by finding (a maximum) planar sub- graph.
 void dispose()
 EdgeList getHiddenEdges()
          This method returns a list of edges that have been removed in order to gain a planarization of the input graph.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public BCCSubgraph(InitialPlanarSubgraph ips)
Method Detail


public void createPlanarization(PlanarInformation p)
This method planarizes a graph by finding (a maximum) planar sub- graph. To gain a planar graph, sometimes some edges have to be removed in order to prevent crossings. The removed edges are returned by the method getHiddenEdges() below. A circular edge order is also computed. Note: the input graph is modified

Specified by:
createPlanarization in interface InitialPlanarSubgraph
p - the PlanarInformation object associated with the input graph


public EdgeList getHiddenEdges()
This method returns a list of edges that have been removed in order to gain a planarization of the input graph. The createPlanarization method of this class must have been called earlier to compute the list of hidden edges. If not so, a runtime exception is thrown!

Specified by:
getHiddenEdges in interface InitialPlanarSubgraph
an EdgeList keeping the hidden edges


public void dispose()

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