Class GIFIOHandler


public class GIFIOHandler
extends ImageOutputHandler

Writes a Graph2D in GIF image format. The encoding process is done in two steps. First the graph will be renderer to an image. Rendering upon an image is done by calling method Graph2DView.paintVisibleContent(Graphics2D) on the current view of the Graph2D. Configuring the view influences size, viewport, background, etc. of the rendered image. In the second step the image is taken and encoded to the output format.

Constructor Summary
          Instantiates a new GIFIOHandler.
Method Summary
 Graph2DView createDefaultGraph2DView(Graph2D graph)
          Takes the value returned by the base class and adds a transparent background to it.
protected  BufferedImage createImage(int width, int height)
          Creates the buffered image on which the graph will be rendered.
protected  void encode(BufferedImage image, OutputStream out)
          Encodes the given image to the given output stream.
 String getFileFormatString()
          Returns the GIF file format string.
 String getFileNameExtension()
          Returns the GIF file name extension, i.e.
Methods inherited from class y.io.ImageOutputHandler
canRead, isAntialiasingEnabled, read, setAntialiasingEnabled, write
Methods inherited from class y.io.IOHandler
canWrite, canWriteSubset, createObjectInputStream, createObjectOutputStream, hide, read, read, shouldSerialize, shouldSerialize, write, writeSubset, writeSubset
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public GIFIOHandler()
Instantiates a new GIFIOHandler.

Method Detail


public String getFileFormatString()
Returns the GIF file format string.

Specified by:
getFileFormatString in class IOHandler


public String getFileNameExtension()
Returns the GIF file name extension, i.e. "gif"

Specified by:
getFileNameExtension in class IOHandler


protected void encode(BufferedImage image,
                      OutputStream out)
               throws IOException
Description copied from class: ImageOutputHandler
Encodes the given image to the given output stream.

Specified by:
encode in class ImageOutputHandler


protected BufferedImage createImage(int width,
                                    int height)
Description copied from class: ImageOutputHandler
Creates the buffered image on which the graph will be rendered.

Specified by:
createImage in class ImageOutputHandler


public Graph2DView createDefaultGraph2DView(Graph2D graph)
Takes the value returned by the base class and adds a transparent background to it.

createDefaultGraph2DView in class ImageOutputHandler
See Also:

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