Bobo Nick
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10/2008 – 07/2013 | Research assistant with Prof. Dr. Ulrik Brandes, Algorithmics Group, University of Konstanz |
10/2010 – 07/2013 |
Researcher at argo transfer center for network research and member of the visone development team |
01/2011 – 02/2011 | Visiting researcher to Clique Strategic Research Cluster, University College Dublin |
10/2002 – 09/2008 | Studies in mathematics and computer science, University of Konstanz |
- social network analysis
- data mining & machine learning
- information visualization
- algorithmic game theory
WS 2012/13 | Tutorial Network Modeling |
SS 2012 | Tutorial Network Analysis |
WS 2011/12 | Assignments Network Modeling |
WS 2010/11 | Project PKD-Networks |
SS 2010 | Assignments Network Analysis |
WS 2009/10 | Seminar Network Models |
SS 2009 | Seminar Algorithmic Game Theory |
Note: Until recently it had been our group's policy to list authors in alphabetical order whenever context allows. | |
journal papers: |
Ulrik Brandes, Bobo Nick, Brigitte Rockstroh and Astrid Steffen:
Gestaltlines. Computer Graphics Forum 32(3):171-180, 2013. | |
Jürgen Lerner, Natalie Indlekofer, Bobo Nick and Ulrik Brandes:
Conditional Independence in Dynamic Networks. Journal of Mathematical Psychology 57(6):275-283, 2013. | |
Ulrik Brandes and Bobo Nick:
Asymmetric Relations in Longitudinal Social Networks. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 17(12):2283-2290, 2011. | |
book chapters: |
Ulrik Brandes, Sven Kosub und Bobo Nick:
Was messen Zentralitätsindizes? (in German) In M. Hennig und C. Stegbauer (Hrsg.): Die Integration von Theorie und Methode in der Netzwerkforschung, pp. 33-52. Springer VS, 2012. | |
conference papers: |
Bobo Nick, Conrad Lee, Pádraig Cunningham and Ulrik Brandes:
Simmelian Backbones: Amplifying Hidden
Homophily in Facebook Networks. Proc. ASONAM 2013, pp. 825-532. © IEEE 2013. (also see Simmelian backbone extraction in visone) | |
Conrad Lee, Bobo Nick, Ulrik Brandes and Pádraig Cunningham:
Link Prediction with Social Vector Clocks. Proc. 19th ACM SIGKDD Intl. Conf. Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD '13), pp. 782-792, 2013. | |
Ulrik Brandes, Jürgen Lerner, Bobo Nick and Steffen Rendle:
Network Effects on Interest Rates in Online Social Lending. Proc. INFORMATIK 2011 - Informatik schafft Communities (4th Workshop Digitale soziale Netze), GI Edition - Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI), P-192, 2011. | |
Ulrik Brandes, Jürgen Lerner, Uwe Nagel and Bobo Nick:
Structural Trends in Network Ensembles. Proc. 1th Intl. Workshop on Complex Networks (CompleNet 2009), Studies in Computational Intelligence 207, pp. 83-97. © Springer-Verlag, 2009. |
Ulrik Brandes, Martin Hoefer and Bobo Nick:
Network Creation Games with Disconnected Equilibria. Proc. 4th Intl. Workshop on Internet and Network Economics (WINE '08), LNCS 5385, pp. 394-401. © Springer-Verlag, 2008. |
theses: |
Bobo Nick: Toward a Better Understanding of Evolving Social Networks. PhD thesis, University of Konstanz, 2013. |
Bobo Nick:
Nash-Gleichgewichte in Netzwerkverbindungsspielen (in German). Diploma thesis, University of Konstanz, 2008. |
Presentation slides available on request.
Toward a Better Understanding of Evolving Social Networks: Ties, Triads, and Time PhD thesis defense, University of Konstanz, 23 October 2013 |
Simmelian Backbones: Exploiting Triadic Cohesion Beyond the Dyadic Aggregate Level Poster presentation, 5th Workshop on Information in Networks (WIN), New York City, 4 October 2013 |
Simmelian Backbones: Amplifying Hidden Homophily in Facebook Networks (joint work with Conrad Lee, Pádraig Cunningham and Ulrik Brandes) IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM), Niagara Falls, 28 August 2013 |
Triadic Cohesion in Social Networks (joint work with Conrad Lee, Pádraig Cunningham and Ulrik Brandes) 33th Sunbelt Social Networks Conference, Hamburg, 24 May 2013 |
Network Effects on Interest Rates in Online Social Lending (joint work with Ulrik Brandes, Jürgen Lerner and Steffen Rendle) 4th Workshop on Digital Social Networks, Berlin, 7 October 2011 |
Introduction to visone Visual Analysis of Complex Networks Workshop, Dublin, 20 January 2011 |
Exploration, Analysis and Modeling of Network Evolution Invited talk, University College Dublin, 18 January 2011 |
Wordlike Graphics (joint work with Ulrik Brandes) Doctoral seminar Algorithmics, University of Konstanz, 1 December 2010 |
Panel- vs. Event-Based Network Analysis (joint work with Ulrik Brandes, Natalie Indlekofer, Jürgen Lerner and Martin Mader) 30th Sunbelt Social Networks Conference, Riva del Garda, 3 July 2010 |
Understanding Evolving Social Networks PhD Proposal, University of Konstanz, 23 June 2010 |
When to use which Centrality Index? (joint work with Ulrik Brandes and Sven Kosub) 6th UK Social Networks Conference, Manchester, 14 April 2010 |
Panel or Event Data? (joint work with Ulrik Brandes, Natalie Indlekofer, Jürgen Lerner and Martin Mader) 6th Conference on Applications of Social Network Analysis (ASNA), Zurich, 27 August 2009 |
Structural Trends in Network Ensembles (joint work with Ulrik Brandes, Jürgen Lerner and Uwe Nagel) 1th International Workshop on Complex Networks (CompleNet), Catania, 27 May 2009 |
Network Creation Games with Disconnected Equilibria (joint work with Ulrik Brandes and Martin Hoefer) 4th International Workshop on Internet and Network Economics (WINE), Shanghai, 18 December 2008 |